Completed Coastscape, Gapado Village Hall, 2022
Coinciding with his artist-in-residence exhibition at Gapado AiR, Andy Hughes integrated a ‘Making a Coastscape’ workshop event with invited guests including young people from Jeju province in South Korea.
Gapado AiR Talk
To frame the workshop and introduce his own work, Hughes' explained his long-standing fascination with plastic pollution, the beach and arts activism. He also discussed a number of his projects: from the discovery of floating debris as a young surfer in the 90’s to his expedition in Alaska and more recently, exploratory work made whilst living on Gapado Island for six months.
Coastscape Workshop
Using found materials to represent what they saw and felt, participants placed waste materials in a large aquarium. All were encouraged to film and photograph, write and record share, discuss and respond to the exhibition, to the artist's talk and also to wider topics connected to the ocean and waste ecologies.
Gapado Island
In a joint initiative with Hyundai Card, architects One O One focus on economy, ecosystem and culture to develop the South Korean island of Gapado. This tiny island 5.5 km south of Moseulpo Port in Daejeong-eup, located in the middle between Moseulpo Port and Marado Island. Beyond attracting day-trippers, overnight guests, and artists-in-residence, the Gapado project’s long-term goals include bringing back some of its population lost to the vortex of Seoul, after the decline of local agricultural and fishery industries.
Gapado Village Hall / Photographed at night with installed coastscape
Gapado AiR, Artist Talk and Workshop, 2022
Photogrammetry video of collected materials used in the Coastscape
Andy applied the method he co-developed in Mauritius with TAGSCAPE and Plymouth Marine Lab on the project Coral Communities. Importantly, the Commonwealth has showcased it as a project to spotlight best practice. The project has been presented and showcased through workshops at several events including a Global Challenges Research Fund Building Resilience event, 2018; the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, Cardiff, 2018, the Society and Sea International Conference, The Greenwich Maritime Centre, London, 2018 and recently with the Marine Social Science Network (MARSOCSCI) through a webinar titled ‘Co-producing an understanding of the needs and priorities of coastal communities'.
A paper has been published. Hattam, C. et al., (2020) Building resilience in practice to support coral communities in the Western Indian Ocean. Available online and in press.
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